SEO Services

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SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization

SEO consulting to help connect customers to your company

As a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) agency, we help brands reach new customers through search engine and social media organic visibility. Whether you’re an international e-commerce brand, or a legal body targeting your local London audience, we can help.

We focus on growing your positive online reputation and increasing your site’s relevance towards the popular search terms that you want to rank for. Realising both goals requires SEO consultancy and a multi-faceted approach, combining research, technical and creative skills.

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a combination of best practices and strategies to optimise the user search experience, from the organic search results to the last click to conversion on your website.

However, what you really need to understand about SEO to produce consistent and future proof results is the following:

  • SEO is an acquisition channel. Should sit with the marketing team.
  • Focus your SEO on the business metrics (leads, revenue, etc).
  • It takes time. Google will rank only the best content + experience. That takes time to build, develop and grow.
  • In the long run, it will drive the best ROI across all channels.
  • SEO is not just a project, there is no end. 
  • Search is always evolving, so it is SEO. Keep an open mind.
  • Your SEO agency, by its own, won’t solve your SEO. Hiring an SEO agency will give you more work to do, not less.

Like any other digital marketing channel, SEO has become totally data driven. Platforms such as Screaming Frog, Botify, Google Search Console, SEMRush and Google Analytics have become essential to help us collect data, generate insights and make decisions. Our approach to SEO is focused on your business goals, your challenges and opportunities.

Courses Offering

Online SEO & Digital Marketing Courses

Become a pro in one of digital marketing's most important skills. Learn how to use your SEO knowledge in an overall digital marketing strategy to achieve success in your business or career.

Our Methodology

We are here to solve your problem and delivery your needs

The Upside Down SEO Pyramid is our proprietary SEO methodology and is composed of 4 stages: Technology, Content, Authority/Reputation and Experience.

1. Tech Stage | The Foundation

During the Technology stages, the team will assess and audit the following areas:
  • Domain and URLs strategies
  • Crawling issues and blockages
  • Performance and Speed
  • Duplicate content issues
  • Canonical tags
  • Redirects management
  • HTTPS implementation
  • Mobile and AMP friendly strategies

2. Content Stage | The core of the strategy

Based on the Keyword Strategy, the content stages will deliver the following items:
  • Content Plan and Strategy: production of new content and optimisation of existing content
  • Landing Pages strategy and optimisation
  • On-page Optimisation
  • Title and Description tags production and optimisation
  • Feature Snippets strategy
  • Rich Snippets implementation
  • Images optimisation

3. Reputation & Authority stages | More than links

The Reputation & Authority stages will deliver the following items:
  • Auditing external links profile
  • Competitive link analysis
  • Optimisation of link profile
  • Reputation & Authority Plan

4. Experience | Delivering what users want

At the Experience stages we will perform and deliver the following activities:
    • Create “search personas”
    • User flow analysis
    • Mobile experience analysis
    • Deliver recommendations to optimise conversion rate


    The SEO projects we develop here at Conoxy are complete and involve expertise in planning, management, tracking and training. We also provide special projects, which are developed according to your business purpose.

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